In Memoriam - Lochdene Cover Story - "Kelvin"

has passed the Rainbow Bridge in December 2009, almost 13 years old.

Born: 1997-04-16 Hipscored: Clear Eyes: clear (Nov. 2007)

"Kelvin" is a very good specimen with a superb temperament. His offspring in Sweden and Norway are all of top quality and also have good temperaments. Kelvin has been shown a few times. Hips and eyes approved. To date, litters sired by Kelving have been in colours orange roan, blue roan, blue roan and tan, liver roan, black & white, red & white, liver & white and black & tan.

Click on this link to see some of "Kelvin's" offspring.


Lynwater Islesman Quasar Total Recall Lynwater Ruststone Lynwater Rustic Bell
Rainbow of Lynwater
Margaretta of Quasar Lynwater Lewis of Quasar
Lynwater Moonlight of Quasar
Lynwater Sgeir Lynwater Stornoway Harris of Lynwater
Mosel of Lynwater
Lynwater Isla Lynwater Lewis of Quasar
Quasar Minnie The Moocha
Lochdene Cover Girl GB SH CH Bitcon Pacific Blue Ouainé Silver Buck DKUCH Ouainé Half A Dollar
Ouainé Welcome
GB SH CH Bitcon Shy Talk Mistfall Meddler
Bitcon Artist Model
Lochdene Whoop-La Craigleith The Great Waltz Craigleith Crooner
GB SH CH Craigleith The Waltz Dream
Linnet of Lochcote Weirdene Walk Tall
Weirdene Witch Hazel